Depression is an illness that affects at least 20 million Americans; however, everyone deals with stress. The relationship …show more content…
Studies show that sleepiness can impair driving performance as much or more so than alcohol (Drowsy Driving). All people need between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night to feel well rested and function at their fullest (Drowsy Driving). Studies also suggest that people cannot reliably detect how sleepy they are, and when they are likely to fall asleep, presumably because they either lack or do not pay attention to signs that sleep onset is likely (Drowsy Driving). Even though most people are not aware of how drowsiness affects their driving performance, they still need to be awake before and while driving. It may not seem difficult to drive while you’re not fully awake, but when you run that red light you will realize it is difficult. “Young people who do not get enough sleep, carry a significant risk for drowsy …show more content…
Students who start earlier in the day have more time for after-school activities such as jobs, sports, homework etc. (Anderson). The problem of inadequate sleep affects more segments of our society than adolescents but, adolescents appear to be particularly vulnerable and face difficult challenges for obtaining sufficient sleep (Adolescent Sleep Needs and School Starting Times). “Even without the pressure of biological changes, if we combine an early school starting time-say 7:30a.m which, with a modest commute, makes 6:15a.m a viable rising time- without knowledge that optimal sleep need is 9 ¼ hours, we are asking that 16-year-olds go to bed at 9p.m” (Adolescent Sleep Needs and School Starting Times). It is hard for a teen to go to bed at 9p.m, especially if they have homework and studying to do. A common argument against this position is transportation costs but, if school starts later, most students have work right after school so they can get a ride with someone and less people will need to ride the bus. Others may say bus transportation is important to all students but that’s wrong, a lot of students live less than a mile away from school, there is only bus transportation because some kids live farther away than