So an alcoholic, is basically a man or a woman who is struggling with alcohol addiction. They technically have that desire to drink alcohol beyond their capacity to actually control it. They literally don't have the ability to stop consuming alcohol because they are addicted to it. A person who is alcoholic craves for alcohol any time of the day, sometimes they even carry it around all day, he or she literally depends on the alcohol as if it's water.
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Keeping your place clean, doesn't necessarily mean that your house should be spotless, that just mean that your place should be alcohol free. No wine, no beer, no brandy or basically anything. If you're reading this at the moment, chances are you are most likely to be worried that you might become an alcoholic, or you might know a family member or a friend, who's most likely to become one and you want to help him or her. So this is basically where you should start, no alcohol in sight, especially in your own home.
Most people think that alcohol can actually help them with all of their problems, that alcohol can actually make them feel better, but the truth is, it doesn't do anything. People also drink when they're bored, lonely or basically when they're feeling every kind of negative emotion there is. Little did people know that alcohol can actually make you feel worse since it is considered as a depressant. It has become people's habit and the worst thing is that they know it doesn't do anything but then they still do