Satire About Abortion

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“I am so sorry. I am just …..” She struggled to get the words out.
She hurried back to the shore and looked at her phone. There were no messages or missed calls from her husband. She started walking again along the beach. The impressions of her steps she was leaving behind on the wet sand were getting longer and longer. The waves once in a while took the liberty of wiping them off without a trace.
She stopped at a place where a girl of around 4 years old was carrying a small bucket full of water for the pool she just built. This reminded her of her first meeting with her husband. When she first met him, he was building the pool with his cute little boy of four years old. She always wanted that kind of child, cute and curious about everything. When she joined hands to help them build the
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I want my child to lead a happy life not the other way around. No mother wants to see her child unhappy.”
“But, you don’t have an option here.”
“Why not? Why can’t I go through abortion? Abortion allowed in certain cases, is not it? I heard abortion is allowed in a case like anencephaly.”
“That is an extreme case and serious birth defect,” the priest said.
“Microcephaly may be less extreme but the psychological and physical damage it produces on the child is unimaginable. If God is in the right mind, he should condone this too.”
“Those were extreme cases. Your case is different. It is not legally allowed.”
“When the baby born with a small defect or big defect, it is a defect. Don’t you agree that?”
“It is not like that?”
“Why can’t you people see the suffering involved in this?”
“You don’t have a right to go against God’s wishes.”
“Why not? In America abortion is allowed. Mother has the right to choose. All Christians worship one God, right? Then why different rules? I am the mother. I am the one who will be there for him always.”
“God will make you suffer if you do that? He might be invisible but he will always look after his

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