Ruby Bridges was very very poor and was born September 8th,1954. Ruby’s father (Abon Bridges) had a job by picking crops, but he got fired because the company made new machines to pick crops. Ruby's mother (Lucille bridges) had a job scrubbing the floors in banks. It was a hard time in that year, but Ruby and her siblings were strong. The most reliable question is who is she know for and how Ruby became a hero. …show more content…
When Ruby was done with school, the segregation and threats were over and many white children came back to school. Everyone now knows the story of Ruby Bridges and she was famous till today. And not that Ruby was famous in all, but she was also a hero.
This little black american is hero by changing history and stepping up to segregation. Ruby was a brave 7 year old and stood up to white schools at such a young age. Ruby Bridges was known for her integrity and bravely fought against threats. Some people could be like Ruby, But know one could ever do what she