Nicholas P. Dobbe
High School
This paper will educate you a little about the History of the small village of Rosholt Wisconsin. It will follow the experiences of a few men that contributed into making Rosholt a village. It will talk about why they came, what they did to start a community and how they made the community grow bigger. Gottlieb Stanbly, the first of the few to arrive and, without really knowing, positioned where Rosholt would be, Jens Rasmussen,
History of Rosholt Wisconsin
Nicholas Dobbe
The first train to ever reach Town 25 North came on October 15, 1903 ( This new railroad system in Town 25 North, …show more content…
He arrived and bought his land in 1858. (p.2) Where he bought his land, set up where Town 25 North would grow. Jens Rasmussen was another man who played a big role in creating Rosholt. He had great ideas and plans. “Actually Jens Rasmussen, who preferred tinkering with machinery to farming, had already been doing some feed grinding before he decided on the water power project” (Rosholt, 1948). John Gilbert Rosholt was another one of the important people that shaped Rosholt. “He made a deal with Jens Rasmussen, who owned a feed mill, to share the water rights on the South Branch of the Little Wolf River. He built a sawmill adjacent to Rasmussen’s feed mill on the east side of the pond. Rosholt continued to invest in timber.” Anderson,N.J. (n.d.). Rosholt village is born. Retrieved from
Gottlieb Stanbly Gottlieb was a veteran from around 1850. He was given four forties, 160 acres, of land after being in the army. He got to the land and scouted it out. He went north some ways and then turned east and went aways east. He turned south and did the same, and then tuned west and eventually got back to where he started. He knew it would be a good place. He built a small log …show more content…
(Rosholt, 1948 p.34) He built a log barn on his land and later added another smaller barn right next to the bigger one. About 10 years later Jens Rasmussen had an idea to make a feed mill. Rosholt (1948) wrote,“For it was about this time that Jens Rasmussen decided to dam up the creek and create a reservoir with sufficient power to turn the blades of a wheel turbine.” (p.165) By 1881 the feed mill was working at full force. He soon later, made a deal with John Gilbert Rosholt to share the