Romeo And Juliet's Decisions

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No matter what age, a person’s decisions tend to be affected by the opinions of those around them. If a person feels trapped by someone else's opinion, they will do whatever they can to escape. In Romeo and Juliet, the couple is faced with many hardships which they must escape. The people most responsible for trapping Romeo and Juliet leaving them with no choice other than taking their lives are Lord Capulet and Juliet's nurse. Lord Capulet is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he was extremely hateful. When Juliet told him she did not want to marry Paris, he told Juliet that he would drag her to the church(3.5.154-155). Juliet’s father also describes her as a “wretched puling fool,” “green sickness,” and “baggage” (3.5.184,156,157).

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