In Romeo and Juliet, there was a total of six deaths and they were all without a doubt, preventable. Mercutio was the first one to perish. It was his rash …show more content…
Holden who is the protagonist of the story gets himself in unpleasant situations as a result of his decisions. For example ,he gets into a rage thinking about what Stradlater may have done to his ex girlfriend Jane Gallagher. Next, he tries to sock Stradlater which leads to him being knocked onto the floor. Even at this stage, Holden still hadn’t learned his lesson. He continued to insult Stradlater because he was in a rage and eventually got rewarded with a punch to the face. This is shown on page 51 where Holden says,” Then he really let one go at me, and the next thing I knew, I was on the goddamn floor again.” Yet, anger is not the only emotion Holden uses when he makes a decision. Instead, holden was really happy and it almost lead to his demise. This is on page 219, when Holden was getting excited thinking about his future plans. Then,” So all of a sudden, I ran like a madman across the street-I damn near got killed doing it”. As you can see, making emotional decisions, whether you are happy, sad, or angry will all lead to negative outcomes. Furthermore, making emotional decisions can even lead to scars for life. After the death of Holden’s brother Allie, he goes into a state of utter destruction. This is evident in the text,“I broke all the windows in the garage. I don 't blame them. I really don 't. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist … My hand still hurts me once in awhile, when it rains and all, and I can’t make a real fist any more – not a tight one.” As the Catcher in the Rye proves, don’t make decisions based on