Confrontation leads to change, but if a person is isolated enough to avoid confrontations there will be no change. Throughout his time at Pencey and his adventure in New York, Holden avoids standing up for himself or what he believes in several times. In many of these instances Holden avoids confrontations by lying. He even proclaims himself “the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (Salinger 16). Another example of Holden avoiding confrontation appears in chapter 13. Holden is reminiscing on who stole his gloves from Pencey. “I wish I knew who’d swiped my gloves at Pencey, because my hands were freezing. Not that I’d have done much about it even I had known. I’m one of those very yellow guys” (Salinger 88). Conflict and confrontation are two things Holden likes to avoid in life and he knows it. When confrontation is inevitable or Holden is standing up for somebody else, such as when he fought Stradlater because of Jane, it does not work out for him. After the fight he admits “I’m not too tough. I’m a pacifist, if you want to know the truth” (Salinger 46). Holden never had a problem with his roommate until a memory of his past life entered both their lives when Jane Gallagher went on a date with Stradlater. Jane and Holden care about each other and to see Stradlater treat Jane the way he did set Holden off. Even in a furious state Holden could not confront his roommate on what he did …show more content…
He realizes he cannot control certain aspects of life and that the world is full of change. Holden’s adventure in New York taught him powerful life lessons. The adventure certainly helped change his negative outlook on life and realize what is important. The person who has helped Holden overcome his fear more than anybody else is his younger sister Phoebe. She was the only one to understand that Holden needed a constant in his life. After Holden told her he was running away, she insisted to come. This convinced Holden that he needed to stay and that his love for Phoebe is stronger and more important than his need to isolate himself. Holden being able to overcome his self-imposed isolation and fear of change is evident in the fact that Holden shares this story while in a mental hospital. Normally Holden would not share or confess parts of his life to anybody, but he is sharing the story with all of the readers to see. Before being admitted to the hospital Holden knew he could not control the world. His mind began to clear, with the help of Phoebe. On page 211, Salinger writes “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab the gold ring you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall off, but its bad if you say anything to them.” Holden knows that death is inevitable. He cannot be “the catcher in the rye” and protect children from change, just as nobody could protect him