It was wet, rainy and cold but the group kept carrying on, they were motivated by the bonds that they shared together during those tough times. Heather was the leader and her job was to keep up the morale and encourage everyone while hiking. They played games and sang Disney songs to entertain themselves, it made the long hike fun. Heather was also in charge of making sure that everyone did their job and helped to cook or clean. Heather was stressed due to the flood season because they all found it difficult to find a camp in places which weren’t all muddy, covered with fallen trees, or large puddles. Even though there were difficulties Heather made sure that none of the adults took over during their youth led hike. It was important they only depended on each other and were getting along. For two whole days the group didn’t see other members of the camp, but they continued on. “A trip to Philmont is an opportunity for fellowship that is unparalleled anywhere in the United States of America” ( On one night Heather and her best friend took a late night walk and they were interrupted by an inconspicuous animal. At the beginning they thought it was a deer or less vicious animal until they saw its movement. “It has green eyes which meant it was a bobcat” Heather spoke, but her friend said they …show more content…
It symbolized how Philmont was about growing strong character. Heather’s favorite moment were when they hiked up a mountain, nicknamed baldy due to the lack of trees past certain points. It’s a windy mountain and goes up to 12,442 feet and while climbing you’d might be at a 45 degree angle, “It’s all loose rocks too so you’re sliding down as you struggle to get up this thing. But at the top it’s so beautiful, you can see the whole boy scout ranch from up there. You can see ponds and the few roads are really obvious. And you can see a 360 view of the surrounding mountains. You can even see all the way to Colorado!” Heather had