Winter at Valley Forge It is the Winter of 1777 at Valley Forge American Soldier camp. Would you have quit? I would quit there is bad conditions, it's cold, and there's sickness.…
The food and water shortage is the real rival for the South. The Union captures all of the southern supply crates, forcing Lee to change the path to find his last food and water option towards Appomattox, Virginia. General Ulysses S. Grant leads the North towards the courthouse in Appomattox, where Lee and his Troops are courting. Grant traps Lee, eventually leading to the surrender of the Confederate Army (O’Reilly…
On the night of February 15 and 16, the Confederate soldiers determined that they had to surrender, Generals Floyd and Pillow left their men and crossed the river to flee while Lt. Col. Nathan Bedford Forest took his cavalrymen and escaped through Charlotte…
Lee declined and tendered his resignation from the army when the state of Virginia seceded on April 17, arguing that he could not fight against his own people. Instead, he accepted a general’s commission in the newly formed Confederate Army. His first military engagement of the Civil War occurred at Cheat Mountain, Virginia (now West Virginia) on September 11, 1861. It was a Union victory but Lee’s reputation withstood the public criticism that followed. He served as military advisor to President Jefferson Davis until June 1862 when he was given command of the wounded General Joseph E. Johnston's embattled army on the Virginia peninsula.…
Ulysses S. Grant: Grant was both a general and a commander of the Union forces in the later years of the Civil War. He is known for being a great general who guided the Union troops to their triumph over the Confederate armies. He was victorious when he captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennessee and when he crushed a large Confederate army in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Grant’s contribution to ending the Civil War, however, was when he led his forces to lay siege to Lee’s Northern Virginia army in Petersburg, Virginia, which forced the Confederate surrender there. Later, Grant became the eighteenth president of the United States.…
The soldiers were expected to follow Thomas orders without question. General Lee and Thomas greatest victory was in the crossroads in the battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia on May 1863. Facing a union force numerically of 130,000 men to 60,000 of their…
And that is exactly what they did. On July 3rd, white flags began to appear above the Confederate fortifications. Then Pemberton went to meet with Grant to discuss the Confederate army’s surrender. Earlier on in the war, Grant had been granted the name “Unconditional Surrender”, referring to the time when he straightforwardly offered unconditional surrender to Garrison, a Confederate, at Fort Donelson, Tennessee. This time, however, when Grant offered unconditional surrender, Pemberton refused.…
This led to Robert’s resignation from the military and his return home. When Virginia voted to separate from the nation in 1861, Lee decided to lead the Confederate forces against the Union. Along with all of his victories he also had disasters as well when he tried to cross the Potomac, where 14,000 of his own men were either captured, wounded or killed. The war carried on and so did Robert E. Lee’s opponent’s victories, Ulysses S. Grant. Grant gained more and more of the Confederate’s territories until Lee finally surrendered to him at his private home in Appomattox, Virginia.…
Prior to the Civil War, Sickles saw an opening for being a Major General. When the Civil War started, Sickles saw an opportunity to better his image so he became active in the raising of volunteers in the state of New York (“Daniel E. Sickles” 2). He was promoted to be a brigadier general of volunteers, ultimately becoming a famous political general to serve in the Union Army. General Daniel Edgar Sickles played a major role in The Battle of Gettysburg, however he disobeyed orders from General George Meade’s on day two and brought the Union to the Peach Orchard instead of occupying Little Round Top. Born in New York City on October 20, 1819, Sickles began his career with apprenticeship as a printer, and eventually studying law at New York…
Robert E. Lee offered his resignation to Jefferson Davis but it was turned down (HistoryLearningSite). On July 5th, Meade set down his reasons for not pursuing the Confederates: “This morning they retreated in great haste into the mountains, leaving their dead unburied and their wounded…
Grant, and his role for the rest of the war. Because of his genius battle tactics throughout the battle, along with his great leadership and heroism, Grant was made the Commanding General of the entire U.S. army, a position that he would serve well in. From this position Grant would go on to claim many more victories for the Union. The biggest of these victories would happen at the Appomattox Court House, on May 9th, 1865, when General Grant was successful in making General Robert E. Lee surrender, which ultimately led to the end of the Civil…
30,000 troops were trapped in Vicksburg, and they said, “Feed us, or we will mutiny.” Another woman wrote, “We are utterly cut off from the world, surrounded by a circle of fire.” The Confederates surrendered on July 4. Grant explained that, “The fate of the Confederacy was sealed when Vicksburg fell.”…
On July 3rd, the Union won a battle that could possibly be the turning point in the war. The Battle of Gettysburg was a three day long battle was fought bravely throughout by the Union and was brilliantly commanded by General George Meade. Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, failed his second invasion of the North, and he had to retreat back to Virginia after the devastating loss. After Lee’s victory at Chancellorsville, Virginia, Lee looked to attempt a second invasion of the North.…
Many people may not know that The Civil War was also known as, “The Boy’s War”, and there is a reason behind that name. It is said that at least 100,00, or 20%, of soldiers in the civil war were under the legal age of eighteen ( Both the Union army and Confederate army loosely followed that rule. It seems as though the Confederate ignored this rule more than the Union. According to Confederate Cavalrymen of the Civil War, “The men ranged in age from a bottom limit of 13 and an upper limit of 58…”.…
General Robert E. Lee and Colonel Walton had accomplished quite a feat. The Union army outnumbering the Confederates proved not to be a factor due to the effects of artillery. It appeared as if the Confederates had the Union army “right in the palm of their hands”. The loss left General Burnside and his remaining troops scarred and defeated. The defeat eventually led to General Burnside offering his resignation, President Lincoln accepted and soon appointed a new commander.…