Fortunately for myself and my co-workers, Mr. R2 I think your number of probability is wrong. Automation and the whole idea of robots being able to do deal a game of blackjack is thrilling and exciting, but take heed they will not overhaul the industry. Robot dealers is a fad whose buzz will fizzle out like the 80’s mullet hairstyle. Mechanization, computerization, robotics is more practical industries where profit grows with rapid and efficient flow. However, in the blackjack industry where the backbone of the business is pure customer service, robots will only play a small role. Sitting down and playing a few hands of blackjack with C3P0 would be fun at first but quickly lose its
Fortunately for myself and my co-workers, Mr. R2 I think your number of probability is wrong. Automation and the whole idea of robots being able to do deal a game of blackjack is thrilling and exciting, but take heed they will not overhaul the industry. Robot dealers is a fad whose buzz will fizzle out like the 80’s mullet hairstyle. Mechanization, computerization, robotics is more practical industries where profit grows with rapid and efficient flow. However, in the blackjack industry where the backbone of the business is pure customer service, robots will only play a small role. Sitting down and playing a few hands of blackjack with C3P0 would be fun at first but quickly lose its