Title VII was passed in 1964 and opened the door for many civil rights laws to come into effect, such as the 1968 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the 1969 Mine Safety Act, and the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act. People now believed they could fight for civil rights and would most likely achieve something from them. Not all the problems of the workplace would be fixed, though, for example feminists were fighting for women’s rights but were distraught over how women should be treated during pregnancy. Women wanted to be treated equally and be just as strong as a man, yet when it came to pregnancy, believed they should take leave, creating a divide between women workers and what rights they believed they needed. The rights consciousness that joined many workers together to fight for working conditions also divided workers in some instances that led to disagreements and disbandment in the
Title VII was passed in 1964 and opened the door for many civil rights laws to come into effect, such as the 1968 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the 1969 Mine Safety Act, and the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act. People now believed they could fight for civil rights and would most likely achieve something from them. Not all the problems of the workplace would be fixed, though, for example feminists were fighting for women’s rights but were distraught over how women should be treated during pregnancy. Women wanted to be treated equally and be just as strong as a man, yet when it came to pregnancy, believed they should take leave, creating a divide between women workers and what rights they believed they needed. The rights consciousness that joined many workers together to fight for working conditions also divided workers in some instances that led to disagreements and disbandment in the