Rhetorical Analysis Of America Needs Its Nerds

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What would the world be like if cars didn’t exist? What would the world be like if smartphones were never invented? These utilities that American’s use in everyday mundane life was thought up of from kids who would rather tinker with motherboards or engines than play football with their friends. Despite their future achievements, these children have been labeled as ‘nerds’ or ‘geeks’. These geniuses are discriminated against for being able to bring amazing technology to the hands of an average human. Leonid Fridman, in his essay America Needs its Nerds, he uses the tools of rhetoric to unveil the repercussions of American’s bigotry towards intellectuals. Fridman begins his essay with accusatory terms to set a foundation for his argument. …show more content…
He begins the reading in a light-hearted tone, but once you pass these three words, acting as a line through his argument, the tone becomes more serious as he presses for change. This is using the rhetorical strategy of syntax, which is a crucial tool the author uses. Fridman goes on to use a stereotypical depiction of a nerd, “the bright kid with thick glasses” who is bullied from kindergarten to the grave for being smart. Fridman takes advantage of this allusion as it is what comes to mind when an average American describes a nerd, appealing to the reader as they read a familiar …show more content…
If American’s are brave, what leads them to cower behind titles for people they are intellectually challenged by, what is so free about discriminating someone because of how hard they work? Fridman ends his argument with a rhetorical question, asking how long will America remain a powerhouse if we make physical attributes more important than mental. This question acts as the call to action, Fridman is asking the readers to ponder what titles they choose to use and the damage these titles inflict not only on the person but society. Unveiling the hidden meaning behind his arguments: words

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