Rhetorical Analysis: A Moral Necessity For Birth Control

Improved Essays
In the early nineteenth century, the percentage of infanticides and undesired

childbearing was and still currently is abundantly high. Margaret Sanger, a sex educator,

nurse, and American birth control activist, whom acknowledged the need to inform

women on the self-control of childbirth gave a speech in 1921, “A Moral Necessity for

Birth Control.” Sanger disputes that the understanding of “contraceptive techniques”

would not only benefit families as a whole, but would also give women the right to

control her body (Sanger). Meanwhile conveying this speech, Margaret controls the

way the rhetorical devices influence the audience to support contraceptives as well as

accomplishing in receiving credibility and disproving her opposition.
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Each of her leading

points was made to target directly to the opposing arguments. Margaret also claims,

“the first right of a child is to be desired" (Sanger). This suggests that if a child is not

infatuated, that child may grow up in a circumstance where he or she is unloved or

unwanted. Therefore, the use of contraceptives indicates a "high sanction for the value

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of life itself" (Sanger). Sanger addresses each claim in a levelheaded manner, presenting

herself as a more reasonable and understandable person than her conservative extremist.

This creates an extended credibility, or ethos, as a speaker, since she perceives the

audience that she has considered every point that is addressed in her speech.

Margaret convinces the audience by using her own logical reasoning. Before

she even addresses her main points, she introduces a clear idea of logic that is nearly

impossible to deny. Since the main point of the speech is based on principles of morality,

she sets out to scope the meaning of what morality is. Margaret claims, "responsibility

and forethought put into action for the finest kind of morality" (Sanger). Not much
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Sanger does not directly apply pathos in her speech nor does she inform the

audience of her opinion on contraceptives or whether she utilizes it or not herself.

Women are thought of as non-logical and sentimental, usually acting solely on instinct.

Sanger’s gender one of the many reason’s she wasn’t taken into consideration when

proving a point. This is why she leaves out all personal stories or anecdotes that may

have out-justified the appeal to the natural instincts of the audience. Nonetheless, she still

used expressions that may suppress the appeal to a listener. Sanger mentions, “primitive

man has achieved the same results by infanticide, exposure of infants, the abandonment

of children, and by abortion" (Sanger). Putting these representations in thoughts of the

listeners, the alternative of birth control was more appealing. The clever use of word’s

distances Sanger from emotions, but still appeals to the audience on a fundamental, but

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on a subconscious level.

In Margaret’s speech "The Morality of Birth Control,” Sanger effectively

brings use of the key rhetorical elements to convince the public of the essentials

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