You can recognize Rhea as a beautiful, …show more content…
Hera and Zeus were siblings and soon became married. People believe that Demeter is the person who made crops. Some also say she’s the one who made the first loaf of bread. She’s the goddesses of the earth, agriculture, fertility. Poseidon is a brother of Zeus and is the god of the sea, earthquakes, and storms. You might know him by carrying a trident and riding sea horses. He has the worse temper out his siblings, he’s also the most greedy, and moody. He’s most mad when someone insults him. Hades was Zeus’s last brother. Hades is the god of the underworld. Although some people think that since he’s the god of the underworld, Hades isn’t actually evil. He was one of the first heroes in Greek myths. Hades is also the god of wealth. You might spot Hades with a three-headed dog by his