I translated “Return Of The Thin White Duke By Neil Gaiman”
Before I started to translate that, I searched the story’s Turkish translation, I couldn’t find.
The story is really so long. However, I try to translate, It’s really an enjoyful story to read not to translate.
I try to translate all the text, but I couldn’t translate some of parts. So, this part wasn’t understand in Turkish.
My aim, to be understandable, using basic words to read and understood by everybody.
ST, “death by little death”; I translated “Uykudan ölüme” because when we said little death, we understood that is sleep.
“Bayağı insanlar”: “inferior people”
ST “Time passed” I translated as “Zaman akıp gitti.”
ST is “The Duke gave this conversation much thought over the next several days” When I translated that, it couldn’t be understandable in Turkish, So, I translated that like this “Dük, birkaç gün bu konuşma üzerinde düşünüp durdu”
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well, that remains to be seen.” like this “Ve kim için savaşacağız... Asıl soru bu."”
I translated word “Underspace” as “Hiçlik” but another part of story, I gave another meaning for that word.
“Fresh earth” as “Taze toprağa” I don’t find anything to be understandable so I just translate