Vascular access: Vascular access has a double lumen catheter located in the subclavian vein and artery in place. The caregiver removes the soiled dressing and assesses the site for infection. Once that 's completed the caregiver sterilizes it with a choraprep swab. The tubes are connected and the caregiver aspirates each port, then is flushed with normal saline before the beginning of the treatment. Previously, heparin was used but only nurses can administer it and now is only used if their is a clot in the tubing. Once the patient has completed their dialysis treatment, the caregiver and patient applies masks. Then the caregiver removes the tubes disposing them in the sharps container and the places contaminated tubing into the biohazard box. A sterile technique is used to apply a new sterile dressing to the access site to prevent …show more content…
Muscle cramps: The caregiver would switch the normal saline solution to hypertonic saline because low concentrations of sodium in the dialysis bath and fluid shifts can cause this pneumonia. Patient was also encourages to stretch out the area.
d. Dsyrhythmias / chest pain: Supply patient with oxygen and assess vital sign. Give patient fluids and turn the blood flow down. Last option if pain doesn 't subside or vital signs are abnormal give Nitro.
a. Hypertriglyceridemia: During the initiation of dialysis, disturbances of lipid metabolism are accentuated and contribute to cardiovascular complications (Smeltzer et. al., 2010, p. 1335)
b. Hyperglycemia: with decreasing renal function, it takes longer for oral hypoglycemia agents to be excreted by the kidneys (Smeltzer et. al., 2010, p. 1223).
c. Anemia /blood loss during the procedure: Anemia is compounded by blood lost during hemodialysis (Smeltzer et. al., 2010, p. 1335).
d. Gastric ulcers: May result from physiologic stress of chronic illness, medication and preexisting medical condition (Smeltzer et. al., 2010, p.