It was August of 2005 when I began kindergarten. I was four years old at the time going on five. I had plenty of friends and I hung out with them most of the time during recess. We also socialized during lunch. Consequently, I was speaking more English than Spanish and it got to the point where my family would speak to me in Spanish and I would answer back in English; I would understand them but I couldn’t …show more content…
Usually every two to three months we would go and stay for a couple of days. I usually stayed at my maternal grandma because my cool uncle was there and he had a Playstation 2 which was awesome. Anyway she also helped me learn Spanish which was also another big reason I stuck with her. One summer she enrolled me in a summer school in Mexico so I could learn to speak Spanish better. After all, everyone there spoke it 24/7 and it wasn’t like I had a choice to speak English. I struggled in there but it was still pretty fun. She also took me to this tutor that helped kids learn Spanish. She was a nice person but gave me lots of home work. Luckily the homework consisted of mostly drawing lines and licking jelly off my lips to excercise my tongue for speaking purposes. That is literally all I had to do. She was teaching me in a way that was fun and motivating for me. This really allowed me to step up my game and finally get back on