Reflective Essay: The Value Of Compassion

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There are many people out there do not have a easy and happy life like most of us do, therefore, the most importantly, compassion is one of a very important character that each of us should hold in our life, the world without compassion would be no love . no understanding and no warmth. It's sad to see that how someone having a really luxury life while there are many more people out there are just craving for survival, craving for a bread and water. However, after reading the story from “On Compassion” and that remind me a lesson my father has taught me when I was young.
When I was around ten years old and I remember that there is always a homeless that appear in the community I live. I will always remember the way he look, just like all of the other, buttonless shirt, baggy trousers and his face and hair was always full of dust and with the stinky smell. The people who live in our community feel really uncomfortable of the homeless appearance and whenever they pass by him, people always throw a vicious eyesight to him and leave him as far as possible.
Nevertheless, what make me unforgettable was that one day after I came back from school and I saw my dad bringing a bag of food full with bread, fruit and sausage and a
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It make me think about the woman in the article “On Compassion, “emerges from the kitchen with steaming coffee in a Styrofoam cup, and a small paper bag of ..of what? Yesterday’s bread?” how kind she is to have the motivation to feed the homeless with a bag of food and coffee while other do not even want to approach to him. The need of compassion is an important character in today’s society. Overall, I understand this is the reality in our world that there are many people who are less fortunate than we do, so that is the reason we learn to be kind and learn the character compassion. I believe sharing is

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