The Dalai Lama uses this example to demonstrate that just like a doctor would give the ten patients the same proper medical attention, in everyday life people should show compassion towards others equally. The Dalai Lama explains, “as we being to extend our compassion towards all others, is to maintain the same level of intimacy as we feel towards those closer to us” (Dalai Lama). He exclaims that we must feel compassion towards everyone equally. The example makes the reader feel like it is a logical conclusion that everyone needs and deserves compassion because when this example is applied in their personal life it makes the reader think about their own actions and how they should include compassion in their daily …show more content…
The article relates to the audience by stating that it is no easy to reach such a state, and the author himself hasn’t reached that level of compassion just yet. , “Most people, including myself, must struggle even to reach the point where putting others’ interests on a par with our own becomes easy” (Dalai Lama). He appeals to our emotions by connecting with us and making the reader feel like they are not the only ones when trying to reach this state of fulfillment. The article gives us examples that also appeal to our emotions by making us feel the connection to the need of feeling compassion equally towards others as to ourselves and to those close to us. “The Ethics of Compassion” persuades the reader to try to reach the state of great compassion claiming that it will cause us to have a different outlook on things and it will help us become