The Department of Veterans Affairs, and The National Suicide Prevention Hotline back a program which is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Services, called the Veterans Crisis Line. This program makes it, so that by calling or texting a number, a veteran in need can have instant professional help, in their time of need.
How has the government helped veterans finance homes? Well, in recent times after the the Post-911 GI Bill was signed into law in 2009, 1.4 million veterans and their dependants have received $50 billion of assistance courtesy of Uncle Sam Veterans Matter. Veterans Matter. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. In the past times to present with the provisions provided by the original G.I. Bill signed into law in 1944, home loans have been granted to 21 million veterans Veterans Matter. Veterans Matter. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.
Who’s there when they have injuries? The Veterans Association offers the SGLI Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI) to those who have been severely injured in and off the line of duty, short term, but very helpfull financial assistance, almost regardless of the circumstances that lead to that injury "Inquiry Routing and Information System." U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Web. 29 Sept.