Topic Selection and Literature Review
Reading instruction in special education and inclusion classrooms is an integral part of the daily education of students involved in such programs. As shown in research, a strong correlation has been found between limited reading ability and school failure, and …show more content…
In prior years, students were identified primarily by the “wait and fail” method, which meant that students were rarely tested because it seemed “cruel” or impossible to test students prior to second or third grade. Special education at the time consisted mostly of resource room or pull-out services. This system came under attack once it was determined that “students who do not learn to read by the end of first grade almost invariably remain poor readers” (Gersten & Dimino, 2005, p. 100). There was also a lack of proper screening tools, and the use of IQ tests was deemed as irrelevant to the student’s ability to learn to …show more content…
There is also the risk of the benchmark becoming too heavily relied on instead of being used as a guideline. The benchmark must be carefully selected based on the students’ age and grade level. RTI directly influences reading instruction in special education and inclusion classrooms by providing support for early interventions with all students. Inclusion classrooms are basically typical classrooms that can be found all over the United States. By identifying and intervening with students quickly, a teacher is better able to determine if the student is simply a little behind, or if he or she is dealing with a learning disability. RTI allows teachers to make informed decisions and to provide more accurate support for all students, including those identified for special