Analysis Of The Black Man's Burden By Edmund Morel

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In present day society, six-in-ten Americans say the country needs to continue making changes to assure that blacks have equal rights with whites. In two contrasting articles, both the authors look at racism on very different levels. Edmund Morel tries to bring attention to the problem and wants others to stop it, while Cecil Rhodes feels that white people are the perfect race and that all countries should only be White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
Cecil Rhodes had a very strong faith, one that not many believe in now, but he wanted to spread his faith everywhere. He wanted the race to be White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASP for short. Rhodes felt that the English were above everyone else. This excluded Catholics and the Irish. Cecil wanted to
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Morel, talks about the rubber trade that was happening within Belgium. The Black Man’s Burden was in response to the White Man’s Burden. The King of Belgium at the time was Leopold the II, and the majority of the money was going to him from the rubber trade. The Belgium government was using contracting to get rubber taken out of the Congo Free State. “Leopold II of Belgium ran the Congo Free State as private enterprise from 1885 to 1908, when the Belgium government assumed administrative control and proclaimed Congo a colony” (Morel, 232). Edmund Morel criticize the capitalism system. Morel feels that capitalism is worse than anything because it forces people to work. The title comes from the situation where the work of the rubber trade was not done, the black man was punished, however, the white boss was not punished. There were eight to twelve million killed due to …show more content…
Racism is still a huge problem in our modern day society. The people who believe that racism is gone, must not see the problems that occur that deal with racism, or they just think they are right and that excluding a group because they believe, “that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, which is the definition of racist. There are currently 784 hate groups right now in America. The first one I would like to talk about is, “The American Freedom Party (formerly American Third Position) is a political party initially established by racist Southern California skinheads that aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to white rule” ( This group of people is following in Cecil Rhodes’s footsteps. They think that the whites are the superior race and that whites should be the only ones in charge. People who want to come from other countries, come here to get a better life. That fact does not make whites better. One other group I would like to touch on is “The Brotherhood of Klans (BOK) has long been one of the largest and most widespread Ku Klux Klan organizations in the United States. It’s also the only KKK faction to establish chapters outside the U.S., with a sizable presence in Canada” ( I know a lot of people feel that the KKK

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