These ideologies, as Mills suggested, are the products of a particular culture’s supremacy, driven by the troublesome beliefs considering that the more technical advanced societies have the obligation to transform the other not so “fortunate” states. Thought originally, the motives of this Western-lead initiative was perhaps generated by pure kindness, yet history has taught us that in numerous cases, they all ended up in the same place that is less glorious and peaceful: colonialism. Repeatedly, the white dominated culture characterized and associates the nonwhites as if they are the ones that live in the dark, the “jungle” or the “wasteland.” If for anything, this short reading functioned as a wake up call to help me realize the difficulties that scholars might endure to break out his or her own shell against the established common perspectives that we are familiar with, and just how important it is for us to keep an open mind on the conflicting arguments that are purposed by scholars. It is alarming to imagine the potential flaws that those political philosophies, endorsed by the white dominated culture, could have carried and delivered to the general public years after …show more content…
” What is more, he insist that: “racism itself [is] a political system, a particular power structure of formal or informal rule, socio-economic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties.” Indeed, I agree that it is preciously the “political correctness” that prevented us to further improve and assist the academic community to make radical progresses on introducing new relevant theories that include racial contracts. Simultaneously, I wonder if we are already too settled in a frustrating system whereas the “racism” is in “drag”: “as status quo which is deep angry eradicated from view but that continues to make people avoid the phantom as they did the substance”. Then again, why are we so afraid and hesitate to ask and think more broadly? Could it be that we naturally felt more comfortable to conduct our studies with the given information rather than testing their authenticity in a different social and political