The Role Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird And The Help

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Discrimination has affected the lives of many colored men and women and it still affects the word today. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and the movie The Help, Scout and Skeeter both first hand and second handley face discrimination on a daily basis. To Kill a Mockingbird is a story that focuses on a young girl named Scout Finch. Scout is growing up during the 1930s, a time of discrimination against African Americans. She tries to understand other people 's prejudices but her father teaches her otherwise. In the movie The Help, Skeeter is a grown woman trying to make changes and better the lives of African Americans in the early 1960s. Scout and Skeeter react to racism and discrimination in their own ways. Scout is very …show more content…
She often questions her non prejudice father, about why people treat African Americans the way they do in Maycomb County. When Scout asked Atticus why being called a “nigger lover” was in insult, Atticus gave her a lesson on racism. “I certainly am, I do my best to love everybody… I 'm hard put, sometimes - Baby, it 's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn 't hurt you” (11 107-109). Atticus is a wise man and a major role model in Scout 's life. She takes his words of advice to heart. Scouts moral beliefs are much like her fathers because he is her teacher in life, and she follows in his footsteps. She believes discrimination is wrong and that the racism in Maycomb County is unfair. Atticus is well respected by the blacks and whites in Maycomb. Since Scout is his daughter, she is also well liked. Scout and her family are pretty straight forward. They are non prejudice with good morals, and Equality is a big part of Scouts beliefs. She has felt discrimination herself for being a female and she has second handedly felt discrimination against black people. Scout 's aunt, Aunt Alexandra tries to control her because she believes her father is not teaching her how to be a lady. ¨We decided it would be best for you to have some feminine influence” (Lee 170). Aunt Alexandra tells Scout she has to act a certain way, and has to be lady like. This is an example of her being discriminated against because of her gender. Scout is a tomboy who does not mind getting her hands dirty or hanging out with her brother. Scout believes she does not have to act a certain proper way to be accepted in society. She stands up to Aunt Alexandra and tells her she already has a female influence, and that is Calpurnia. Throughout her life and the lessons she is taught along the way, Scout learns that any form of discrimination

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