From the very beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, young Scout’s reckless attitude …show more content…
One of the most prominent changes to her character occurs as Scout’s brawls become less frequent. She mentions that she feels morally superior after avoiding her first fight, and that “I was far too old and too big for such childish things…” (Lee 85). Her conscious decision to stop this aggressive behavior further validates Scout’s development, as she learns to control her temper and sees that there are other resolutions to her problems. Nevertheless, Scout also retains the fighting spirit and pride that she grew up with as she argues that she that would still “fight anyone from a third cousin upwards tooth and nail” (Lee 103). In this portion of the story, Scout also begins to experience the ideologies of the world first hand due to exposure of the Tom Robinson case. When Scout witnesses how the townspeople treat Tom because of his race, she begins to understand the extent of prejudice in Maycomb County. Over time, Atticus’s influence and this early exposure to prejudice helps teach Scout to accept people as they are, and to not judge others for their