Since earth's beginning to the twenty-first century, greed is a major influence in the ways of the world. No man, nor woman, holds capabilities defending against one of man's strongest emotions. This includes men of higher rank, men sharing similarities with Macbeth. When the Weird Sisters tell him of his future on the Scottish throne, avarice overpowers him. At first, he discusses the matter with Lady Macbeth. But the intense emotion fills his wife as well and she suggests regicide. Macbeth's plot begins from this strong, self-centered feeling. …show more content…
Every death they cause, break their spirits, causing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; PTSD. Macbeth feel as if he could not wash the blood off his hands after killing the king. He also killed his best friend, because his children's destiny is on the throne. Later, hallucinations of his friend's ghost appear before him, driving him insane. Finally, the remorse makes him paranoid, allowing for his easy demise. The regret the Macbeth couple feels play major parts in their character development and the story's