The Theme Of Passion And Responsibility In Macbeth

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In life there are many events that can manipulate the human mind and lead people to do corrupt things in order to achieve the power of success they desire. Throughout literature the theme of passion versus responsibility is always recurring. This conflict is present in Shakespeare play, Macbeth demonstrates how passion versus responsibility can affect not only the individuals, but also everyone else. Mary states that Macbeth provides a starting point for of Shakespeare 's teaching about tyranny and the limitations to human desire (McGrail 1). Stating that Macbeth fate leads to an unexpected love for honor.
In Macbeth, Macbeth and Banquo are stopped by three weird sisters and are given visions of their futures. The witches yell out “All hail,
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It affects both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth leading to their demise. Macbeth faces frequent inner conflicts, after he kills Duncan, he sees the blood stain dagger that killed Duncan, he images that he hear voices, and also he see the ghost of Banquo. Whereas, Lady Macbeth began to hallucinate and become mentally unstable because of her actions. She becomes convinced that she cannot wash King Duncan’s blood from her hands. In an article by Clay Risen two researchers test where physical cleanliness had any relation with guilt. One researcher’s state that “If cleanliness is related to moral purity,” he says, “then the cleanliness of one’s environment could have an impact on moral behavior.” (Risen 1). Eventually the sleepless night Lady Macbeth could not take the mental stress anymore and it resulted in her taking her own life. The death of Macbeth wife should have hinted to the fact that his misguided desires are taking the lives of everyone around him. As a husbands his responsibility is to protect Lady Macbeth and care for her, but because of his passion he ignored his responsibility of being a husband to gain a title and a …show more content…
Passion and desires often trump responsibility. Emotions constantly affect the actions of both real people and characters in the literary world. Such examples of passion versus. Responsibility can be found in works such as: The Great Gatsby, Othello and Macbeth. Whereas the line between passion and responsibility often it is guided by emotions and influences. The thing that makes this theme so important it to illustrate how its effects the individual and everyone else but finding balance between the two, the recurring theme still finds its way into the literary works and lives of people

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