Pt1420 Unit 2 Business Essay

Improved Essays
Assignment 3

Gemma is a young software developer, she just graduated college and has just landed her dream job at a hospital. In her spare time Gemma is also a blogger, the blog that she posts on is mostly geared towards other IT people. Gemma created this blog as a senior project with a couple other students and it just took off from there. What started off as project for points quickly turned into an everyday routine. Gemma has met many new friends and acquaintances which ended up leading her to her current job at the hospital. Gemma gets home from an exhausting day at work and notices that she has hundreds of emails. She becomes immediately concerned and grabs her computer, clicks internet explorer and types in the website for her email in her browser. The emails are from
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At this point Gemma’s head is spinning, she can’t imagine why her website can’t be found. After letting it sink in she quickly enters her blogs URL to see if she can locate it and has no luck. She started running through scenarios in her mind of what could have happened to her blog. Has she offended someone? Did someone hack it and take over or delete it? The possibilities were endless and all she could do was panic. Gemma couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to hack a blog, there is no purpose to that and there would be no reward for the person doing it. Gemma reaches out to one of her friends for help. Her friend tells her to open a new browser and use different subject directories to try and locate her blog. Still she has no luck finding her blog and is nowhere near solving this mess. Gemma does not want to let her followers down and she doesn’t want to give up on her blog either. She has worked so hard to keep the blog going and it has brought so many people together, whether they are in IT or they are just fascinated by it. As Gemma continues talking to her friend trying to figure out what is going on, her friend finally after all this time

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