Pros And Cons Of Working Third Shift

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How can working 3rd shift cause more health issues for women than men working 2nd shift? That is a great question to ask. Is it because the lack of sleep which causes sleep deprivation or because the mind needs ample time to recharge Is it because, effects of sleep deprivation between shifts depending on whether they have adjusted to the shift over time? Is it because sleeping too little or sleeping “against” your body’s natural biological clock could increase the likelihood of developing diabetes or becoming obese or other health issues? There are millions of shift workers in the U.S. include police officers, firefighters, nurses, doctors, pilots, waitresses, truck drivers, and many more professionals. There is approximately 15 million Americans who work the third shift or night shift, …show more content…
Risk of death by cardiovascular disease jumped by 19 percent for those who worked this way for six to 14 years and by 23 percent for those who did so for 15 years or more. Women who worked night shifts for more than 15 years also experienced a 25 percent higher risk of death due to lung cancer. There is plenty of evidence that getting enough sleep is important for health, and that sleep should be at night for best effect.
Per the International Journal of Caner “Working the night shift raises a woman’s risk of breast cancer risk by 30 percent,”. Specifically, French researchers found that the breast cancer risk of women who worked the night shift for four years was especially clear, as well as those who only worked the night shift for three or fewer nights a week (meaning their daily rhythms were disturbed more often. The fact is that because your heart rhythms are off you have a higher chance of having a heart attack.
Just like not having an enough sleep which can cause sleep deprivation which can have an impact of work safety and the ability to drive home after the

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