Advantages And Disadvantages Of 12 Hour Nursing Shifts

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12-Hour Shifts: Good or Bad? Over the last few years, many have questioned whether 12-hour nursing shifts provide more benefits or drawbacks to organizations. Most of the nurses working in hospitals, emergency departments, and long-term care facilities are working 12-hour shifts for three consecutive days and then spend the following four days off (“12-Hour Nursing Shifts vs. 8-Hour Nursing Shifts,” 2014). Nurses that work 12-hour shifts receive more time off to spend with their families and friends. The ability to have multiple days off is appealing to most nurses, especially nurses with young children. 12-hour nursing shifts can benefit patients as well. Patients often become frustrated and confused when they receive care from different nurses in a single day. 12-hour nursing shifts result in fewer shift changes, reducing the amount of stress and confusion experienced by patients. Although there are advantages to 12-hour shifts, there are also many disadvantages for nurses and patients. Some claim that 12-hour work shifts are too long, increasing the rate of …show more content…
The goal of a strategic plan is to reach outcomes that will better the future of the organization (McDonald & Wayland, 2015). The management staff should construct strategic plans based on the mission, vision, and values of the organization. It is crucial that the entire organization participates in the process of strategic planning. Management should consult with all stakeholders throughout the organization to develop an effective strategic plan that will meet the desired outcomes. A popular method for management to utilized to get stakeholders involved is to execute brainstorming activities. These activities will allow management to gather crucial information from all areas of the organization to use in the development of the strategic plan (McDonald & Wayland,

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