Proposition 64 Case Study

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As of November 9, 2016 proposition 64 was passed into a law. Proposition 64 gives the legal right to any adult of the age of 21 to be able to use, possess, transport, and even grow certain amounts of non medical marijuana. Retail locations for recreational marijuana use will not be open until January 1, 2018. It is also stated in proposition 64 that in the state of California, each county will be able to determine if the use of recreational marijuana will be legal or not. This is a very controversial topic due to the business ethics of selling marijuana. As well at it is a very difficult matter due to the use of marijuana on the federal level being illegal, compared to the state level. Recently in the Pacific Coast Business Times there was recently are article discussing the current business issue with California passing proposition 64, which passed the law for the use of medical marijuana. In this article the main focus addressed with …show more content…
Each state's ethics have been questions just like California is right now. But in all reality there is a lot of the public using marijuana illegally and by the states allowing it to be legal they are allowing more revenue to come into the state that will be used for the public. Each state has laws and restrictions to the drug. It is still illegal federally so that still allows the government and control over the drug. Overall these first eight states are just the beginning to the legalization sf recreational marijuana. It is believed to eventually become legal in most states. It is a huge change in our society and each state's ethics will be questioned, but in businesses you have to make your business discussion not only the ethics, and not only on sol revenue, you must find that happy medium, and I believe California did this by legalize recreational; marijuana but still having strong laws and restrictions to the

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