On 01/21/16 I contacted Ashley Herring at her residence at 3320 W. Justice Road in reference to a domestic battery call. Ms. Herring said on this date her live-in-boyfriend of 13 years, Brian Mott, battered her because there were no cigarettes in the residence. Ms. Herring said Mr. Mott yelled and cursed at her, took her HP Pavilion laptop computer from her and threw it on the ground destroying it, and then pushing her off of their front porch. Ms. Herring said shortly after Mr. Mott pushed her from their porch he pushed her into their bed and kneed her in her right leg causing redness and swelling around her knee. Ms. Herring said Mr. Mott then punched and slapped her numerous times on her arms and shoulders before leaving the residence…
Camp is place unlike any other. It is a place that people’s wall begin to fall down and new relationships are formed. This is bound to happen when you drop 200 teenagers in the middle of the Smoky Mountains without any of their electronics. I was lucky enough to be chosen for the Project Serve team and got to see camp from a new perspective. I got to be a part of all of the behind the scenes work, but also daily interactions with all of the campers due to my job at camp.…
Have you ever encountered an absolutely gorgeous, charismatic hunk-of-man who, upon meeting him for the first time, had you convinced every move you'd made in your life, up to that point, led you directly to him? Did you feel strangely alive at the time; nevertheless fearing you might die because you suddenly forgot how to inhale, becoming light-headed due to a lack of oxygen? Initially, you probably fell into a state of panic as your eyes grew wide and your heart pounded painfully in your chest, but just in the knick of time you suddenly remembered you could breathe all on your own. In the days that followed, did you diligently fill every waking moment of your day with thoughts of him, reliving every second of the magic, never wanting to…
In August 1999 I had the privilege of meeting Arthur Ray Hawkins, known to many as “Coach Hawk”. Being a typical teenager, I didn’t always heed to the words of wisdom that he tried to instill into me daily. Not understanding his passion for God and people, I would often get mad when he challenged me to better. Why, because I wanted to settle for being good, yet he impelled me to be great. Not only on the football field in between the white lines, but in my daily walk in this thing that we call life.…
While I was at my tour at the William George Agency, I have learned three new things that were related to juveniles. The first thing that I learned on the tour was that the juveniles there on the campus are allowed to participate in athletic sport competitions against other high schools around them, even one of the schools they compete against is a school that’s in my home town. The Impact of the lesson for me was that, knowing the kids from William George school were allowed to play in competitive games against other schools, it gave them a chance to have fun and explore in something new that could possibly grow on them as a new interest that could then pursue them on setting future goals, because I am a firm believer of sports being a gateway…
I chose to write a first person narrative in the perspective of Johnny Dawson when him and George were at the ranch. Johnny Dawson is George Dawson’s younger brother, and went along with George and his wife Elzenia to a ranch. George had seen some white cowboys having trouble breaking a horse, and they began beating the horse. George felt bad for the horse and asked them to give him a try. He was successful with breaking the horse, but he knew soon after that he would be in trouble with the cowboys.…
In his Personal Narrative, Edwards does talk about how sinful he was throughout his life but he makes particular recollection of his youth. "It is affecting to me to think, how ignorant I was, when I was a young Christian, of the bottomless, infinite depths of wickedness, pride, hypocrisy and deceit left in my heart' (Edwards 188). It would seem Edwards vacillates a one point, when he states;” Though it seems to me, that in some respects I was a far better Christian, for two or three years after my first conversion, than I am now; and lived in a more constant delight and pleasure: yet of late years, I have had a more full and constant sense of the absolute sovereignty of God, and a delight in that sovereignty; and have had more of a sense of…
Hearing James Colliers story genuinely spoke to me. I’ve been able to apply his story to my own life. For example, I have always been the one to avoid having anxiety by taking the easy way out. Such as, running away from the situation or having an excuse not to do it. As a result, I have given up numerous opportunities to explore life outside of my comfort zone.…
London Tipton was the only Asian character on TV that I had to look up to as a kid. She was selfish, unappreciative, inconsiderate, and not very smart. Disney might have been trying to curb stereotypes with a rich, dumb Asian, but I had to grow up with only one character who had a similar face, but nothing I could aspire to be. I have distinct memories of pressing the sides of my bulb-shaped nose in front of the mirror for hours as if my efforts would amount to a button nose so many girls had on TV. I grew up very bitter, sorry to say.…
Agent Smith closed the phone brutally and started walking briskly down the hall to his desk trying not to panic. He started typing as soon as his butt touched the seat, panic overflowing in sweat beads on his forehead. This was going to be a big one; he would have to brief the commander immediately. There was going to be a war unlike any the world had ever seen. At the thought of it his stomach started pushing back up the sandwich he ate before.…
Some of the issues touched upon by the documentary relates to some of the recent news stories about intersex rights. According to Phoebe, the documentary?s main character, being intersexed left her feeling unsure of herself. She spoke of a sense of isolation and the pressures received from others about being different. Making up lies to cover up things, the difficulty in finding a partner and problems that occur when they do; among what she expressed to be issues affected by being intersex. Phoebe and the other characters also spoke of having both mental and physical scarring.…
Shaking The Captain’s Hand It was the middle of June, and I had just taken my CDA (Child Development Associates) exam. This exam was so important to me because it meant moving up to a higher position on my job as childcare professional. I had to work the next day, so I did not have time to even think about the test results. I was called to the office to speak with my childcare trainer. I thought she had observed me doing something wrong in the classroom, because that is usually the case when you are called to the training office.…
CLARK (Reluctant) ... It’s fun to do while I’m high, and the horse’s poo reminds me of home on the farm in North Dakota. But that’s not what’s going on now. We’re in a massively dangerous situation and this horse’s clip clopping isn’t going to help us distance ourselves from zombies. KELLY…
Although it has been awhile, I remember Eric as a creative person with an interesting viewpoint and approach to his career. As a young man, he was self-assured with lots of goals and plans for his life. From afar, I have seen Eric accomplish many of his goals, I'm pleased to see what he has achieved to date and what he will do, going…
But that’s not what happened. He had said his name and he lost all control. His voice reminded him of mowed lawns and garden hoses. He taught him how to ride a bike by taking him to the top of a grassy hill by his house. “I’m right behind you,” he whispered in his ear before giving him a push.…