The motivation behind subjective exploration is to comprehend what causes profiling in law enforcement personnel. Furthermore, reviewing traffic stops conducted by police officers would accumulate more data on how frequent profiling happens. After departments assemble data on the frequency of profiling during traffic stops and other police encounters, the following stride would be to address and discover a solution. When looking into police profiling it is clear, a few variables can assume a part as to why profiling happens. Policing, Traffic Stops and Searches The procedures of Law Enforcement personnel are to direct and maintain a degree of control within a community. Through community policing, officers build a rapport with the population, particularly for the upkeep of public order and security. The connection between the public and police officers alleviates criminal action from happening and stops the utilization of excessive force. Ridgeway and MacDonald (2009) developed an approach for detecting racial bias in individual police officer behavior by comparing like neighborhoods and the different levels of satisfactions with police and perceptions of racial profiling
The motivation behind subjective exploration is to comprehend what causes profiling in law enforcement personnel. Furthermore, reviewing traffic stops conducted by police officers would accumulate more data on how frequent profiling happens. After departments assemble data on the frequency of profiling during traffic stops and other police encounters, the following stride would be to address and discover a solution. When looking into police profiling it is clear, a few variables can assume a part as to why profiling happens. Policing, Traffic Stops and Searches The procedures of Law Enforcement personnel are to direct and maintain a degree of control within a community. Through community policing, officers build a rapport with the population, particularly for the upkeep of public order and security. The connection between the public and police officers alleviates criminal action from happening and stops the utilization of excessive force. Ridgeway and MacDonald (2009) developed an approach for detecting racial bias in individual police officer behavior by comparing like neighborhoods and the different levels of satisfactions with police and perceptions of racial profiling