So the habit begun, while everyone else studied in the library, I tried to get as many kills as I could to unlock special weapons I could use as a competitive advantage against other teams online and on my friends. I tried my best to study but every week there was a new update, so I decided the last 2 days I would dedicate them to studying on my final. However, my friends made an offer I certainly could not refuse in those last 2 days which was to see the latest Iron Man movie and since I am a fan of marvel movies I would have to go. The next day we went to the mall and I ran into my crush so we all decided to hang around. I thought this was the perfect time to get to know her before dating, but disappointingly didn’t get to obtain her number. All those days wasted when I could’ve been studying for this hard ass test, I really need to learn some time management skills. This definitely won’t help me in college or university when there is a tougher load of work. But for now, well here I am stuck in my chair trying to use the same old cheating route, once again procrastination has gotten the best of …show more content…
For instance, the way this story persuades students not to procrastinate is by illustrating Barry’s struggle in school with lack of time management between his friends and school work. The consequence of Barry’s decision results in getting a bad mark and resorting to cheating by paying more attention to video games rather than using his extra time to be studying for this test. This can convince students that if they are flawed with these bad habits the same could possibly happen to them. Moreover, cheating in this story persuades students not to cheat by the guilt and consequences of suspension it results in. This becomes evident in the story when Barry suggests remorse for what he has done from his bad habits. Barry’s point of view from the story shows that any average student who can’t manage time with their social life and school work can cause a great effect on their school performance. In conclusion, this story used procrastination and cheating as elements to prevent students from practising this sort of behaviour in high