Parents should not stress over tuition, financial aid, and student debt. Making college affordable will give students more opportunities to gain all the knowledge possible in the field they are going into. College is not fair to the people who can not afford college Paying a minimum amount of money for college allows more students to go, and that will create more experience. When students get out of college they want to start a new life they do not want to worry about debt, they are ready to start their new journey. Now is the time to make a change on the prices of a college education, let 's all make a change on college education
Parents should not stress over tuition, financial aid, and student debt. Making college affordable will give students more opportunities to gain all the knowledge possible in the field they are going into. College is not fair to the people who can not afford college Paying a minimum amount of money for college allows more students to go, and that will create more experience. When students get out of college they want to start a new life they do not want to worry about debt, they are ready to start their new journey. Now is the time to make a change on the prices of a college education, let 's all make a change on college education