Similarities Between Prejudice And Discrimination

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While we as humans do share many similarities, we are also very different. The differences in humans often lead to prejudice and discrimination towards others. Prejudice and discrimination are two main problems that have been occurring for decades. The two are well-known causes of conflict, hate, and harm amongst humans (Spielman, 2014). Although the presence of prejudice and discrimination in people have improved over time, they still remain today (L. Verlaque, personal communication, October 26, 2016). One common type of prejudice and discrimination held today is sexism. Both males and females in our society often experience prejudice and discrimination every day. Prejudice is a negative attitude held against someone that is not based on …show more content…
Sexism is prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s sex and/or gender. Although sexism is typically against women, either sex can show prejudice and discrimination toward their own or opposite sex (Spielman, 2014). A common type of sexism includes gender stereotypes, such as gender role expectations and expectations for how members of a gender group should behave (Spielman, 2014). There are numerous gender role expectations, one being that women are supposed to care for the kids and home while the men are out working and making their family money. Most people expect women to behave in a friendly, passive, and nurturing way. When women do not live up to those expectations and behave in the opposite way, an unfriendly, assertive, or neglectful manner, they often are not liked because they went against their gender role (Spielman, 2014). Sexism often appears in many places such as jobs and schools. Women are discriminated against in numerous work places by having a lower chance of being hired or promoted in male-dominated careers. Lower pay inequality between men and women still exist today. A woman in the same position as a man and with the same experience is likely to have less of a salary than the man. “In 2015, female full-time workers made only 80 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 20 percent” (Pay Equity & Discrimination). It is surprising that this is still …show more content…
Women were prohibited from voting until August 26, 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified (The Women’s Rights Movement). Although women’s rights and equality have advanced tremendously in recent decades, it does still exist today in less obvious ways. It is not advertised that women make less than a man doing the same job tasks, but it continues to occur in companies all over the world. Sexism has been and still is an obstacle for women desiring to join certain branches of the military. Again, discrimination against women in joining the military is not as predominant as it was in the past, but it remains an ongoing battle today despite lawsuits and protests for equality in all branches of the military. Sexism is still highly prevalent in private organizations, where the government does not have any authority. Right here in Augusta, Georgia, it was not until August 2012, that the Augusta National admitted its first two female members, Condoleezza Rice and Darla Moore (Pearson, 2012). I am convinced that sexism will never completely be

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