Difference Between Prejudice And Prejudice

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The negative, unjust attitude towards an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group is defined a prejudice. Prejudice can be categorized into negative treatment of a gender, racial, age, class, religious, and sexual orientation (The Different Types of Prejudice, Parker Janney). A key aspect most doesn’t realize about prejudice is that it is an attitude. Prejudice attitudes include the affective or emotional component, the cognitive component, and the behavioral component (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 417). To explain these components further, researchers have learned specific keys in which people analyze others to portray prejudice. In the Affective or emotional component, both the type of emotion linked with the attitude and the extremity of …show more content…
That is not the case. Racism, discrimination, and stereotypes are all just categories in this psychological issue. To fully understand prejudice, one must understand the differences between the types of prejudice, and prejudice itself. First off, there is a difference between prejudice and racism. Prejudice is a pre-judgment not based on reason (What’s the Difference Between Prejudice and Racism, Nicki Cole). On the other hand, racism creates a structure of domination or a hierarchy based on a race (What’s the Difference Between Prejudice and Racism, Nicki Cole). For example, being prejudice towards someone’s hair color does not involve race. A blonde could be referred to a “dumb blonde” all their life and be insulted, harassed and treated down upon, but still regarded with dignity. Racism regards categorizing a race and wanting dominance over that race. People who are racist look upon minorities as inferior beings based on the color of their skin. race (What’s the Difference Between Prejudice and Racism, Nicki Cole). For example, the “n-word” was given to African Americans because Caucasians saw the Black race as stupid, without morals. Primarily based on the color of their skin. Prejudice and Racism are both degrading but, racism can seriously affect an individuals’ life, while calling someone a “dumb blonde” may be dispiriting, but not detrimental. Another type of prejudice is discrimination, which can be found in the Behavioral Component of this psychological issue (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 421). However, there is a key difference. Prejudice is an attitude, while discrimination is a behavior. While a prejudice person may not act on their attitude, someone who discriminates may exclude an individual or group based on race, age gender, and more (Prejudice and Discrimination, Saul McLeod). A person may be prejudice towards a group but not discriminate against them (Prejudice and Discrimination, Saul McLeod).

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