The Scott Mission Analysis

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“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” This is a famous quote from Mother Teresa, a well-known sister from Calcutta. She served the poor with great love and compassion. Like Mother Teresa, we get to experience living her actions by helping homeless people to get through the day. This is through the help of The Scott Mission which is a Christian Ministry of Mercy and Love. It provides care to men, women, and children that are homeless or in need of their services. It also provides overnight housing, hot meals, childcare center, and spiritual support. It also offers activities for people that wants to help and to be involved in their mission to serve the poor. This is through volunteer works, donations, and gifts such as groceries and clothing. Our religion class is privileged to join and work with people that supports the unfortunate, and also to interact with people living with difficulties in life. The Scott Mission does not only deal with people that don’t have a home to live in, but also the people that are on the verge of losing their home. …show more content…
Homelessness does not only mean that they don’t have enough funds to support themselves. It is much deeper than the money. It also involves lack of emotional support that leads to mental illness such as depression from loss of job or broken marriage. Their lack of wealth can still have an advantage which they become more faithful and more open towards God, with only dignity as their weapon of choice. They follow the beatitude, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This also reminds me of the movie Human Experience where they get to live and interact with homeless people. There was a scene where a man does not lose hope because he knows that God is there with them, and will be taken care of. As I was serving their food, I can also see the same hope within their eyes. A hope for a new beginning. A hope for a better future. Behind the Scott Mission is a great foundation of hard work that has been put in through. This foundation has been in the reputation for years, and it is not possible without the services of the kindhearted staff and facilitators. Working with them for half a day, helps me to see what their perspective are toward the homeless people. They don’t only taught us to serve and prepare meals but also to be sincere and kindness within our actions. They reminded me of the story of the Good Samaritan. This is our society despise the homeless people nowadays but, they still ignore it and help support their needs without asking for anything in return. They let their compassion fill their hearts and support those who needed them the most. Thus, they also follow the beatitude, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”. They don’t let the homeless person suffer alone, they help them to get through it, with the help of God. This is through serving their needs that we let the homeless people feel that we are all the same. We are all human coming from one God, and one God alone. To help others, we have to begin with ourselves. It is always been a goal of mine to help the poor and to serve their needs with what I have, but sadly I couldn’t find an opportunity. The Scott Mission trip helped me to achieve my goal. I have been assigned in the kitchen, helping with preparing the meal, serving it and also cleaning it afterwards. This duty helped me to improve my interaction skills with people and also my hardworking skills toward a specific time. Within a short period of time, I got to feel that being in kitchen duty is not an easy task to do. You have to be very genuine with your actions and also fast in doing the chore that is assigned to you. Serving the food and giving it to the homeless is one of my favorite part. This is because I can see their expressions and also great them with enthusiasm, that hopefully can make up their day. Within this

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