I believe the results are not extremely representative of my exact political ideology on the other chart in Part 1 i was labeled as a populist and i was little bit more supportive of social , moral and personal freedom issues .The only thing that is the same is that both show a higher interest on equality rather than freedom. The quiz also does an awful job of explaining what determines my graph points. It does not specifically explain what political group you fall in ,so it was hard comparing it to the other . On the political attitude activity of part 1 i was labeled as a populist. I would say that i agree more with that activity more than this political ideology quiz. Populist ideology can be left , right or center.I am considered a left wing populist therefore i tend to be anti- capitalism and anti globalization . …show more content…
Which i am surprised that it would be in my political ideology because i am neutral about those . Left wing populist also tend to be in favor of social justice and Pacifism. That is one of the things that i acknowledge that the political spectrum quiz got right.Left wing politics tend to favor social equality.They also tend to support Keynesian economics.They also oppose the influence of the roman catholic religion which makes no sense why i would be a “left wing “ if i am catholic. That clearly shows something that the political spectrum quiz did not get right ,so therefore i believe that the quiz does not represent my political ideology . “A Nation of immigrants - only if they assimilate” is written by Dennis Prager.Throughout the article he expresses his opinions on crime and the correlation with immigration.He points out some places that show where 93% or more of the population is one race (white) . …show more content…
I personally do not agree with his comment because America is a place that originated from immigrants.There also very places that will continue to have a high population of all white people.The author talks about his country Japan and how Japan is very stable because they do not allow immigration.He assumes that America should do the same thing.I do not agree with that because America has a very different economy than Japan’s and are completely different countries.Also America has always been a country of immigrants and if we did that that would be targeting the most recent immigration groups.
I strongly disagree with the author because of his lack of reasoning in comparing America to Japan . My stance on immigration is completely different from him.This also conflicts with my political ideology results because as a populist they favor nativism. Which i believe does not fit with my beliefs. The Polls i picked had to with the public opinion of Mexico which is one of the biggest immigration groups. The first poll question