B. Faith and Family Left make up 15% of the population
C. The political party that I was leaning towards is the democratic side
D. The Faith and Family Left generally favor increased government aid for the poor even if it adds to the deficit and believe that government should do more to solve national problems. Most oppose same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana and most say religion and family are at the center of their lives. They have are highly diverse in which makes this group the only group …show more content…
I will first talk about the Bernie Sanders in regards to his thoughts on what should be done to help students after college. The College for all Act” will provide free tuition for any public and any university in America.” This would mean that any student regardless of his or her background or income who has the ability and desire will be able to get the education they need and the education they deserve, this also comes with a reasonable plan on how it will be done. However, Hillary Clinton wants to refinance and strip as much interest rate as possible and give the students a chance to get into a contingency repayment program. When researching Donald Trump, he talked about acquiring good paying jobs after you get out of school in order to pay off the debt, also he added extensions and lower interest rates. Bernie on the second issue, income and equality wants to make sure that people who are working 40hrs or more is not living in poverty meaning that he wants to increase minimum wage from to a living wage to $15 an hour. He wants to make sure that the pay for women is the same as men. He also wan to put the American people back to work, by doing that he wants to put a trillion dollar program that would help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. This will result in creating over 13 million jobs. He also wants a tax system, which is fair and leads to taxing …show more content…
I think in general he is a better person, a better candidate, and he actually cares about your well-being. I try to convince people to vote for Bernie because I feel he’d be a great president. His policies would seriously rebuild the middle class, put the breaks on out-of-control financial services, and usher in a new wave of entrepreneurial spirit while reducing major costs on our families, our communities and our