Democracy in the United States American is made up of two main political parties, republicans and democrats. The common view of each party breaks down to liberals (Democrats) versus conservatives (Republicans) (Wilson & Dilulio, 2005). Instead of both sides working together to create policies for the greater good of the country, it seems that each side would rather dig their heels in the mud and take a stand that the other should be more like them.
Before you can understand liberalism or conservatisms, you must understand the basic political ideologies in America. As previously stated, the two basic political parties in the America are Republicans and Democrats. “A political party can be defined …show more content…
In general most third parties, to include the Green Party and Libertarian Party, do not have a huge impact on politics (Sidlow & Henschen, 2014, 160) unless there is a very close presidential candidacy race. Most notable libertarian presidential candidate was former governor of Arizona, republican Gary Johnson in 2012. Id Instead of realignment within either of the political parties, liberals seem to create dealignment within the Republican party. “The dramatic changes in fortune experienced by the two major parties in recent years provide some evidence to support the dealignment theory; [among voters, a growing detachment from both major political parties]” (Sidlow & Henschen, 2014). There are many young voters within the Republican Party that may identify with the conservative economic ideas but are disenchanted by the party’s views on sexual preference or legalization of drugs. These voters may want to leave the party but many not have a strong enough third party to which they can gravitate. “By 2013, as deadlock gripped the political system, the parties experienced record-high unfavorable scores in public opinion polls” (Sidlow & Henschen,