Bribery is the criminal offense of giving, accepting, or agreeing to accept something of value to corruptly influence the action of an officer Bribery is considering as a felon which means it is punishable by a state prison. Some officers take bribes to hide records or drop evidence of crimes committed. Additionally, officers take bribes to alter testimonies in court and traffic stops. On case of bribery that is known publicity is that a former state corrections officers plead guilty to bribery receiving. Chad Lindner plead guilty to third- degree bribe receiving. Lindner agreed to take $200 to sneak a cell phone into the prison to an inmate. Another case of bribery by a public officer is when Former U.S Customs and Border Protection officers for receiving bribes and drug trafficking while serving as an officer. Johnny …show more content…
Selective enforcement can be when a police officer uses a different type of force to detain individuals based on a specific race of people. The highest percentage of misconduct was excessive force, with sexual misconduct receiving the second highest percentage. Therefore, my argument is that some officers have selective enforcement depending on race. I believe that because in one case we have a white male, which killed multiple black people, and the other case, we have an unarmed black male and he was killed by the police officer while the white male that killed innocent black people are protected by the