Although police officers take an oath to protect and serve citizens in our society. we have some officers that our corrupt and willing do anything just to protect themselves from being exposed from their unethical behavior. In 1994 three officers from New Orleans police department committed an unspeakable crime murder for hire and a violent drug gang. The killing of Kim grove’s was thirty-two years old and was gunned down by police officer that was there to protect her instead they killed her.
In the 1990’s, the justice department said that New Orleans was the highest state in the country with more complaints of police brutality. In 1994 officer Len Davis was accused of conspiring …show more content…
Len Davis was informed by one of his co-workers that Kim grove’s came in the New Orleans police department and report him. Once Davis found out about the report he was furious about the complaint and denied it. Officer Davis then paged hardy’s pager “saying, can I get P to come and do that whore now and then can handle the 30.” The police code 30 meant a signal for homicide. Davis was heard looking for Grove’s in the neighborhood describing how skin color and the color of her jeans that she had on in his conversation at 10:43 PM Davis said to Harvey” I got the phone on the radio. After its done. Go straight uptown and call me.” Kim grove only had one hour to live after reporting Len Davis, Grove’s died after being shot once in head. Len Davis was recorded celebrating her death, saying “yeah, yeah yeah!” and he yelled out saying “Rock, rock –a bye.” Davis had paid Hardy $300.00 for killing grove (Mustian, …show more content…
Attorney Michael Mc Mahon he said that Kim grove murder should have never happened. The federal bureau of investigation carried out eight search warrants on November 2, 1994 and found the murder weapon in the apartment of Damon Causey. Three men were indicted on murder and conspiracy and violating groves civil rights and were arrested December 5,1994. Len Davis went to trial in April 1996, he refused to testify, but he claimed that Kim Groves boyfriend was the killer. According to New Orleans superintendent that just took over the department in September 1994. The FBI set up an undercover network of agents that acted as a cocaine drug dealer. These corrupt officers had protected 286 pounds of cocaine in the New Orleans warehouse. The cocaine was under the FBI control since December 1993 when the investigation started (Mustian,