The first agency created to keep the order in the land was the sheriff’s, and they have still countywide jurisdiction. The law enforcement executive chief position is obtained by vote, to qualify for the position is only required to have minimum age and no felony convictions. He/She is the general attorney of the state. Then the chief appoints officers to help carry the responsibilities that comes with the position. This is done by a civil service selection, meaning officers are tested on abilities, job knowledge, and skills. Main responsibilities sheriff’s have is to be officers of the court, and only when local police is not available small towns contract them to do criminal investigation and law enforcement.
Local police serves within the limits of the city, which is their jurisdiction. Responsibilities are to enforce traffic laws, maintain the order, criminal investigations, property crime, patrolling, investigating violent crimes. Police departments have a military style rank in a hierarchy pyramid. The …show more content…
Wilson and George L. Kelling. Is a criminology theory based on the effects policing vandalism, crime, and anti-social behavior. States that by controlling public drinking, small infractions of the law, and vandalism public behavior would change for the positive. Resulting in less crime for the fear of knowing that if small crimes are being punished then larger ones will be more noticeable, therefor the penalties would be worse. New York Police Department under Mayor Rudy Giuliani used the theory to reform the city, including the “stop, question, and frisk”