I had multiple good coaches and teachers over the past years of my life and they are the ones that have influenced me the most. I am the kind of person that has to watch how it is done before I can do it. I can’t just read a book and remember everything. I am a hands on kind of person and this is one reason why I felt like Physical Education would be a good fit for me. With some teachers/coaches, they have been out of it for years and they just say what they want done. Shape America said it best. They said, “Research also suggests that physical education teachers modeling a physically active lifestyle can exert similar positive influence over youths” With that being said, you have to practice what you preach. When I was little, I had many opportunities to play and participate in many activities and sports. I have learned quite a bit from them. For example, I have learned that the purpose of physical education/sports/activities are to teach not only the player on the field, but off it as well. PE has provided me with the opportunity to learn about movement, strategies, teamwork, problem solving, discipline and health related fitness. Each of these are addressed in the National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s (NASPE) standards and is important to teaching the athlete/student. I feel that if you expose the player/student in a variety of activities, everyone will have a change to try at least one thing that liked. This can help provide them with different aspects in life as well, like; developing motor skills to enhance, mental, and social well-being through cognitive understanding of concepts and the application of psychomotor skills. Like I said earlier, this not only helps them on the court but different aspects of life, too. I want to be able to provide students the opportunity to enjoy coming to class by trying different activities, becoming confident in themselves because of their abilities and friendships they’ve made, increasing their knowledge with health and fitness and as well with having them find new ways to become a better them. Because of the levels of activity now a days, obesity is on the rise. This frightens me because it has been running in my family. I do not want to end up like that, I plan on going through out the rest of my days with doing the best that I can, to help my students be the best that they can. I don’t want to be the teacher that just sits there and does nothing, I want to be a “watch, learn and do” kind of teacher. I want them to find enjoyment in physical activity, just like I have. I know that each and every student is different and unique in their own ways, and that’s exactly why I plan on doing different activities to meet everyone’s …show more content…
While I was in high school, I was able to letter in five different sports. (Ice hockey, XC, track and field, softball and basketball). I have had many opportunities to form different kinds of discipline, different ways to get my mind working and different views on how to take in/embrace things. I feel that because of my experiences, I can help teach students better understand a sport. I got offered a job as a basketball coach last year and I was able to put all of this into action. With everything I have been through, I was able to teach and help those players be the best that they can be and that’s all that I can ask