Therefore, readers are able to conclude that war affects the lives of soldiers as well as the citizens. Turner’s use of anaphora forces the readers to reflect on the true meaning of war and as well as how it can affect a soldier’s life. In addition, Turner’s use of anaphora depicts the traumatic experience as well as the aftershock of war that American soldiers undergo during and after combat. The readers are also able to argue that before combat a soldier has his or her peace, freedom, and strength; however, after combat, his or her minds are no longer stable; therefore, their peace, freedom, and strength has been jeopardized—life is no longer seen the same. Based on my perspective and Turner’s poem, “The Put Locker,” I am able to argue that a war veteran’s state of mind will forever remain in the “aftershock” stage, until his or her death, especially, since war is a traumatic experience.…