Henri Barbusse Under Fire Summary

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Under Fire: The Story of a Squad was released by Henri Barbusse in December of 1916, still during the heat of World War I. The novel is written based off of Barbusse's own notes that wrote while in the trenches. It is one of the rare books about the war that released during the war and that painted the life of a soldier in such a realistic and brutal manner. The book is an important piece of war literature because it covers not only the intense scenes of fighting, but also the more mundane, but still shocking and tragic daily aspects of being a soldier in the First World War. Henri Barbusse was already 41 when he volunteered for the French Army in 1914, however this did not stop the war from drastically shaping his life. Barbusse fought …show more content…
The narrator writes during his experience of the war and is much an observer than he is a participant of the story. While it does follow a certain perspective, it is written with a more lyrical and poetic style than is usually accustomed to first-hand accounts of war. While it does follow the squad through their day to day operations, it does more than simply describe their experience. There is also a lot of dialogue which acts as the more personal aspect of the story, revealing the personality and feelings of the various characters. The story follows the journey of the squad through this lens, besides the first chapter, which is something of a prelude. This chapter contrasts greatly with the harsh war-time reality as it describes in vague terms those detached from the war making the decision to go to war. For the rest of the book however, the structure is chronological and follows the squad through this certain period of the …show more content…
This, coupled with the fact that it was such a brutal and harsh account of the war, made it very popular. While most information about the war was censored, especially that which was violent and unsettling, this book offered a more accurate depiction of the frontlines. This meant that the public now had access to just how horrifying the reality of war was and conflicted greatly with the state propaganda that advocated patriotism and heroism. The book was well received critically and went on to the win the Goncourt Prize in 1917 and became even more popular after the war. Released in 1916, Barbusse's memoir Under Fire uses vivid imagery and poetic language to describe the general experience of the author himself and the squad that he was a part of. The book's strength lies in the personal reflections couples with the blunt descriptions of the war as seen by Barbusse. The book has a lasting place in World War I literature because of its honest portrayal, and historical significance surrounding its release during the war. The lasting message of the book is the warning of how tragic and destructive that war is, especially on those who

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