He mentions that the abortion related death rate would remain lower if abortions remained legal. Once again, however, I do not think that just because some people are idiotic enough to seek potentially harmful methods of abortion it should remain legal. If abortions were to be illegalized and one wants to disobey that law, then let them have at it; they will pay for their stupidity. My idea may seem very careless to some people, but the “fetus,” which will eventually become a human being who matters just as much as the woman carrying it, should not be able to kill freely for the convenience of the
He mentions that the abortion related death rate would remain lower if abortions remained legal. Once again, however, I do not think that just because some people are idiotic enough to seek potentially harmful methods of abortion it should remain legal. If abortions were to be illegalized and one wants to disobey that law, then let them have at it; they will pay for their stupidity. My idea may seem very careless to some people, but the “fetus,” which will eventually become a human being who matters just as much as the woman carrying it, should not be able to kill freely for the convenience of the