Debate and Speech
Period 4
Ms. Douglass
The meaning of Deforestation “is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses.” Permanent, millions of acres of rainforests permanently destroyed, and we can’t replace those millions of acres as fast as we destroy them. We as humans take rainforests for granted, we only think of them a resources for paper but they are useful for so many other things. They are homes for many species, they keep the ecosystem balanced, and for some people their food. We need to stop deforestation before it’s too late. “Rainforests contain about 50% of the world's wildlife population which is about 50,000 species”, and about 100 species from the rainforest are killed each day due to …show more content…
Instead of writing a letter to someone you could type an email to someone. We don’t need as much paper any more.
In my opinion a way to help stop deforestation is to make a worldwide law. The law should be that for every tree cut down two more be planted in its place.
The quote I am about to give you comes from and native american indian named Cree “Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.” And it's true a big reason that deforestation is still continuing is that big paper manufacturing companies are getting big bucks for the paper the get from cutting down trees and making them into paper. We need to stop deforestation because it is causing the ecosystem to become unbalanced, animals are going extinct, and millions of people are losing their homes and food supplies. We need to stop deforestation before it's too